Graduating College? What now?

May 15,

New Chapters ahead!

So, in a little over a week, I will be walking across a stage to get my diploma. and I know a lot of you who have been following are the same year as me, and maybe just had graduation this week! I don’t know about you, but I have constantly been getting the question: “so what are you doing once you graduate?” And I am here to tell you that not knowing in my opinion can be better for you. Here’s why:

Time to decompress. Guys. Bates College has been an experience for me. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. College is so fun, but equally stressful. After four years of rigorous academics, it is a good idea to be able to go home for a bit and decompress. Seeing family, old friends, your dog, and your bed for a little bit doesn’t sound so bad to me. 

You are 22 (or around that) and have your entire life ahead of you. I see being young and graduated the time to start and fail at the things that I actually want to try to get out of my life. Personally, I hope to be an entrepreneur, and right now I want to try and fail again while I am young and am able to: most of us probably have the least amount of responsibility that we will ever have–take advantage of it!!

Work towards what you want. I know–sounds contradicting when I say it is time to decompress. But you can always make steps forward while having some time at home. Now is the perfect time to (if you haven’t already) make a business plan, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur or to start making a list of companies that you absolutely love and would want to work for. Finalize your resumes. Make a portfolio if you have work examples. Get prepared for where you see yourself going next. 

It’s time to trust yourself and not to compare yourself. This is such an awkward stage. Half of the people in my class have Big Girl jobs and the others are in my boat. If you don’t have a crazy big job that you have landed, who cares?! Unless you know exactly what you want to do career wise, don’t stress about not having a full time job yet. Just keep taking the steps needed! Also, nothing is wrong with having part time jobs in the meantime. I plan on doing freelance stuff like photography, animation, and blogging for extra income right now–those are creative outlets that I believe I want to use for my big girl job so its making those baby steps! I also have an extra side hustle working Arbonne, which is incredible because we get at least one paycheck every single week! I talk more about what I do with Arbonne here!

Cheers to whats ahead!

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