Visualizing and achieving New Years resolutions

January 3,


January is finally here. And while the month of New Years is filled with motivation, we may find ourselves slowly forgetting what we have been hoping to accomplish as each new month passes by. It can be hard to remember all our goals if we don’t act on them, affirm them, and visualize. And while it may seem hard to follow your resolutions for the year, its typically because we do not see them in our heads everyday due to the daily distractions in our lives. So, here’s what to do in order to keep what you want to accomplish relevant in your life from day to day:

Act on resolutions and put it in the present. I don’t know how many times in my life that I have wanted something so bad, and would tell myself that I would have that one day, and put my thoughts on having it in the future. And if you put what you want in the future, you are constantly telling your mind that you can’t have it. You need to tell your brain that you are capable of being or having what you want. And that is where affirmations come in.

Focus on your affirmations every day. My favorite way to focus on my goals is to write affirmations down in present tense. The more your mind reads these, the more you will start believing that they are possible. For instance if I wanted to achieve the goal of writing two blog posts a week, I would write: “I write two blog posts every week.” and not: “I want to write two blog posts every week.” The difference of putting your phrase in the present is the difference do acting upon and just simply wishing. If you just wish for them to happen, they won’t! Your affirmations need to represent the action that you are taking to get yourself there! It is simple; it’s the law of attraction.

Visualization. If you don’t see yourself achieving these things, well, you won’t achieve them! I find it hard to visualize throughout my day due to how hectic my college classes are, so I take a couple minutes in the morning when I wakeup or before I go to bed to visualize what I am going to achieve. 

I know these three things seem minor, but if you do not see and believe in yourself and accomplishing what you want, it is just a wish. Putting your beliefs in what you want into already having, puts yourself in the mindset that you are deserving and capable! 


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