Sustainable Sundays

May 23,

Make this easy switch!

Hello everyone! And welcome to my new blog series called sustainable Sundays. As I started living on my own this year, I’ve realized how much waste I create. I made it a goal of mine to start living a more sustainable lifestyle, and realized there are some pretty easy switches that we can all be making! I hope you find these tips helpful!

One of the first items that I want to talk about is Unpaper towels. These guys are reusable paper towels that are way more absorbent than regular paper towels, and they prevent you from making more waste with paper towels. I never thought I used that many paper towels, until I moved into my own apartment, and often found myself replacing an empty roll each week. 

I love how cute the designs are on them, and that they are super east to clean! I found mine at my local grocery store, but if you can’t seem to find them in person, here is a link to them! I rarely use regular paper towels now. Between using these and dish towels, I haven’t really needed to use that many paper products in my kitchen now! I totally recommend this easy switch if you are a culprit of using too many paper goods.

Have any other good ideas for sustainable living? Share them in the comments below!



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