50 things you need to know before college

July 3, 2018shelbssays@gmail.com


  1. If you aren’t commuting to campus, chances are you will be homesick.
  2. Join your class Facebook group to search for friendly faces before moving in.
  3. The people who you meet in the first few weeks probably won’t become your best friends.
  4. Eating healthier is harder. Don’t keep junk food in your room (except for special occasions).
  5. There are going to be hundreds of more parties. It is okay to stay in one Saturday. 
  6. Sleep deprivation can be real–sleep schedules are important. 
  7. How much are you paying for college? Yeah, so don’t skip class. :/
  8. Take advantage of student discounts; there are more than you think!
  9. ^especially Netflix and Spotify
  10. If you haven’t already- download Venmo.
  11.  Most professors are pretty cool and accomplished, get to know them! 
  12. Create a workout plan, because the freshmen 15 can be real!
  13. If you aren’t a coffee lover already, college might change you. 
  14. You will lose touch with a lot of people throughout the years, but never your best friends.
  15. Facetime becomes so special when you live far away. 
  16. Your roommate is like your sister. Sometimes you’ll want to scream, but be kind!
  17. Get a work study. You are going to want some extra money for doing fun things. 
  18.  You are going to grow so much in your first year. 
  19. Going off of #16, you might be shocked by your interest changes. 
  20. Your grades might not be as perfect as they were in high school. 
  21. You have way more responsibilities and a much larger workload.
  22. ^But it is way more fun than high school.
  23.  Limit your desserts at the cafeteria (it can be overwhelming at first).
  24. Explore campus in your free time to find your favorite study spots.
  25.  Your time management skills are about to get whipped into shape during the first month.
  26. Get a planner tell help keep you organized! 
  27.  Download a meditation ap to help with stressful times. 
  28. Research your school’s clubs to find new people with similar interests!
  29. Talk to upperclassmen with the same major as you. 
  30. Take advantage of office hours and study sessions.
  31. Take advantage of the career development center if you have one. 
  32. ^ Get help with your resume for future internships. 
  33. All-nighters will become your worst nightmare. Avoid at all costs. 
  34. Create a budget/savings plan, and stick with it. 
  35. Rent books if you won’t need as a future reference. 
  36. Read. Thy. Syllabus. 
  37. Make time to relax and be by yourself. 
  38. Save some money for times to treat yourself for working so hard. 
  39. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to new people.
  40. This is a clean slate from high school!
  41. This is a chance to cut off toxic relationships. 
  42. ^ You don’t have anytime for toxic friendships. 
  43. As fun as college is, it isn’t like it seems in the movies. 
  44. Take in every moment and appreciate the lessons you learn along the way. 
  45. ^As hard as it gets, it will always be harder post-grad. So, enjoy it 🙂
  46. Choose a major out of love, not what you think will make you “successful.”
  47. The more passionate you are, the more successful you will be. 
  48. Affirmations are your best friend. 
  49. Reflect on your goals everyday.
  50. You will make some of the greatest memories. And it will go in a “blink of an eye” just like everyone says. 
So, please enjoy college as much as you can. Take it from me (a senior)–it really goes by that fast. :,)

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