Sustainable Sunday: Switching to Saalt Cup

November 15,

Happy Sustainable Sunday my friends! I am super stoked to talk about Saalt Cup for this week’s sustainable topic becuase 1. I was terrified at first to try a menstrual cup and now I love it and 2. Because of the environmental impact that it has! 

This post is sponsored by Saalt. All opinions are my own! Thank you for supporting the brands that make my blog, Shelbssays, possible!


As an avid adventurer, I find using Saalt Cup way easier than tampons because it can be worn for up to twelve hours–that’s a lot more time that I can spend on hill skiing or hiking than if I were to have to go inside and change my tampon every 4-6 hours. It’s super nice knowing, I can go on an entire backcountry ski trip this season and I don’t have to worry about changing my tampon in the middle of the day. BTW, the cup is super flexible, and you can’t feel it at all. Managing my period is easier than ever while adventuring thanks to finally being brave and trying a menstrual cup. 

In addition to how awesome it is that I don’t have to worry about my period when I’m out and about, using a cup has a massive impact on our environment. Saalt Cup lasts ten years and ladies typically go through 300 tampons in a year–that is saving waste from 3,000 tampons in a cup’s lifetime. PS, that also means that you save around $1500 over the cup’s life. 

For me, the most daunting part about making the switch was the fact that I had to clean the cup. To be honest, this is not a big deal because I almost always clean it at home–since I don’t have to change it nearly as often, I normally change it from the comfort of my home first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed. Saalt cup also makes a really awesome wash for the cup which makes in-between washes a breeze! Once I realized that I wouldn’t have to wash the cup in the middle of the day where I might be having to use a public restroom, my fears of the cup went away. It’s super nice not having to pay a pink tax on tampons every month, and just making the investment of a cup once!

Overall, my experience using Saalt over the past six months have been awesome. It feels great knowing that I am one step closer to a zero-waste lifestyle and I know longer feel held back in the outdoors while on my period.  If you are ready to make the switch like I did, you can find their cups here!

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