Sustainable Sunday: Composting!

July 14,

So, this is a couple of days late, but a very important topic! I want to talk about composting. During this past winter, I started looking into if my local town offered compost drop offs. I knew there was not a pickup compost service, so I wanted to see if there may be a drop off, and there was! I highly recommend looking into if your area offers something like this! And if they don’t maybe even make your own compost for fertilizing and gardening!

So before composting, I did research on why it is better for the environment. One question that previously ran through my head was: Isn’t it just going to dempose in a landfill anyway? And the answer is NO! Since other garbage covers up plant waste, it creates methane gases (aka pollution)! So composting helps fight climate change, prevents landfills from overfilling prematurely, and also compost helps bring nutrients back to soil!


So this was my entire breakfast. It was pretty much all plant based–minus the eggs. And guess what, even the egg shells can be composted!! I never realized how much plant scraps I threw out until I started placing them in a compost bin to drop off… Even from this one breakfast, I had a lot to compost–and nothing to throw away. Since my local compost drop off accepts egg shells, coffee grinds, fruits, and veggies, I had a zero waste-breakfast. Woo!


Feel free to comment any questions you have below about composting or sustainable living. Talk to you next week!

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