Adventuring Long Lake, California

July 16,

Take a dip!

With hot temperatures on the rise during these next couple of weeks, the only place outside that you will find me, is by a nice lake–and luckily, there are plenty to find locally. With COVID-19 cases on the rise just about everywhere in California, I am trying my best to stay safe and responsible, which means cancelling most of my travel plans. While it is a huge bummer not getting to explore and visit my old friends and family, northern California has many hidden gems to keep me occupied and social distanced during this strange time. During the fourth of July, my boyfriend, Joey and I decided to escape the crowds of Lake Tahoe, and go somewhere more quaint. And lucky for me, Joey knows about all of hidden spots, since he has lived here for six years.

We decided on Long Lake, because it is such a short and beautiful drive from Lake Tahoe. So that morning, we packed our backpacks and headed a little more west. Lake Tahoe typically steals the show for its tropical, turquoise water, but what most travelers don’t realize is that there are many more breathtakingly beautiful, clear water lakes in the area with less crowds. Even on the fourth, it was not very crowded, and the water was just as inviting–maybe even a little more inviting because its not as FREEZING.

But bottom line is if you are looking for another lake to visit and you want to beat the crowds of Tahoe tourists on the weekend, this is the place to go. 

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July 14, 2020

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August 16, 2020