Life update: summer plans, internships, and adulting

June 7,

Hey friends! So lately I haven’t been blogging as much as I have been hoping to! I really thought that I would have all of this time once spring came around but I feel even busier! It almost seems like senior year has already started. I have been planning out next year a ton and planning my thesis. But, aside from the school work, I have been constantly searching for a place to live for the summer and for an internship. Somehow, it finally seems like everything has finally fallen into place. I have my apartment figured out and got the internship of my dreams. I grew up knowing that I needed a career that allowed me to experiment and create, but I wasn’t sure what that entailed until this week. I have only been working here for a week, but I really feel like I have found something that I am meant to do. Not to mention the office spaces are incredibly fun and I have never gotten along with so many people.

So now that I have just given a lil schpeel about my life currently, I just want to talk about what is to come for my blog over the summer. I am going to try again to post twice a week so keep looking for posts on Monday’s and Thursdays (starting next week)! I am also going to be planning to post a lot more about my adventures. My crazy hectic school year has kind of given me all of this inspiration for writing about college, but I really want to make a much more well-rounded lifestyle blog! So, keep your eye out for a larger variety of posts!

current vibes:

Well, that’s all I have to say right now–see you Monday!


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Adulting 101- being a successful interviewee

May 30, 2018

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The Summer 2018 Bucket List

June 12, 2018