If this is your last summer before freshman year, read this

July 17, 2017shelbssays@gmail.com

Enjoy 🙂

Time to kick back and relax 🙂 … Seriously, relax this summer! If this is your last summer before you enter your freshman year of college, cherish every single day! I am getting a little sentimental right now ? I keep thinking about how fast time is flying since I have entered college two years ago. While I am extremely happy to go back to school this year, it is as equally bittersweet for me to think that half of my experience is already complete!


My best pals from high school

Things get busy. You’ll have tons of school work to tackle, meet new friends, and have different events going on. Keeping in touch with everyone from high school won’t become a priority anymore. Growing apart from some people happens and is a necessary process, in my opinion, to grow a little. But you will, however, always have your best friends that are just a Facetime away?.

Cherish the summer nights that you can get with everyone- because things will change, mostly in a good way! Oh, and take lots of pictures!

lol I wish summer jobs were like this^^

If you do not have a summer job already, find one! And save up! School is $$$ and if you do not have to pay for school yourself, it is still really nice to have some money saved over for going out with friends and other stuff.


Spend a little more time not running around and enjoying home

Soon you will be away from home and your pupper ??. I would do anything to be able to just bring Koda with me to my dorm twelve hours away but unfortunately, my mom says no and so does my school. Take lots of bubble baths! Dorm showers are, erm… Well they get the job done and you will get use to them. But bottom line- enjoy your room, your nice bed, home cooked meals, family company, and pets.

And don’t forget to spend some extra time with your momma <3

Spend some time at the places you love most 

I have really grown a greater respect for the places that I’ve become accustomed to while growing up. Coming back is so nice, and  familiar. While I am always excited for new friends, new experiences, and sites to see, home will always be home. <3

Join your class Facebook page!

Join the page. You’ll notice a lot of people introducing themselves, and probably looking for roommates. If you are able to choose your freshmen roommate, you might be able to (virtually) get to know someone that could be a great match! If can don’t get to pick a roommate, you can at least use the page to find familiar faces during the first week moving in and settling. ?

Prepare yourself for your new home!

Plan to make a list of what you need to get for your dorm! Do some research on how big your room is and plan accordingly. Some rooms are so small that you need to get crafty with organizing and storing.  This year, I lofted my bed to save space. I kept my dresser and my desk underneath my bed, that way I had a lot more space for friends to come over and hang out!

Some places to look for dorm necessities <3


Do some searching on the area your school is at

Take advantage of what the area has to offer, if it is somewhere new! Maine has been such a great location for me.  When ever I have free time, I often surf/ski, explore a new place or take a trip to Portland.

Bottom line- look into things in the area that you are interested in so you are in the know!

Last. Not least.

Acknowledge what is happening right now and that everything will be different next time you come home. You will mature a lot more, meet great friends, and have many stories to catch your besties up on while you were away. Enjoy now and welcome the change of moving to college with excitement once it comes! These two years have been pretty great for me so far- and I’m sure they will be for you too.


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