College life lessons from a soon to be graduating senior

April 9,

A College Blogger that is soon to be graduating??

GUYS! I MISSED YOU. DID YOU MISS ME? Starting my college lifestyle blog two and a half years ago was one of my favorite choices that I have made in my entire life! Over these years, I have met tons of new friends and made many new connections. I also was able to help and relate with others on the ins and outs of college life–as well as reflect on my own personal issues. Sometimes writing advice for others, gives you the advice that you needed to see as well. LOL!

So as I am writing this, I am procrastinating on submitting my final essay (EVER). My last school assignment (unless I miraculously decide that going to school again is right for me) is due in one hour! So I guess my question for you, and myself is: What the heck is next? So much of my blog has been made to revolve around what college students go through in their busy hectic lives…Do I now move on to post-grad, #adulting life? Idk, I guess ShelbsSays will be in a bit of a transitional phase. I do hope to do more travel posts, because my ultimate goal is to have a job that allows me to have flexibility to travel and document. But, I know I will also probably feel very inspired to write about all of my adulting fails and lessons along this weird, awkward stage of my life. I. am. shook. But, don’t worry, college holds some of my favorite memories; I will not be getting rid of my college section, and will more than likely keep writing about college advice–at least for a couple more years.

I also just want to say that I wish more than anything that I could have blogged more during my final semester of college. Consistency is key with blogging and I have learned so many important lessons. But your girl was writing her final thesis, balancing two jobs, training for track and field, planning for post-grad, developing an app (more on that to come), and trying to get a little self care into the routine. Blogging is so therapeutic for me, and I am very excited to have a little more time to share some of my final lessons that I have learned over this semester. So… be prepared to be spammed with exciting new posts now that I have a little more time! 

Lessons from a soon to be graduating college student:

Accept all emotions, including stressful ones. For me, it took a while to realize that wishing I didn’t feel stressed about my school work or something else just made me more stressed! Honestly I think one of the greatest lessons that I have learned is to accept emotions that you feel, and just remind yourself that anything unwanted will pass. 

Don’t accept toxicity. In your routine, friendships, or anything for that matter. If you feel like something isn’t right, it may be best to cut it out of your life.

The most successful people have a team. That goes for anything. I wish I didn’t take on tasks all by myself. Between a college’s resource centers and peers that can review and help you with your work, it could be 1000% better than attempting to do something by yourself–and more than likely it’ll get done a lot faster too…And you will learn more. Don’t struggle by yourself. 

Surround yourself with people that intimidate you. I have this thing…and I am sure others do to, where I get extremely intimidated by someone who is an expert in something that I am interested in. The only way to get to where you want to be is to learn from the people that are currently doing it! 

Self care is all the buzz, and it should be. If you are in school and neglecting your sleep schedule, exercise, diet, mental health, and overall body care…girl! What are you going to do in the real world?! Seriously, I can not stress this enough that if you consistently do not put your body as a priority, you 👏 will 👏not 👏succeed 👏 I have written a few health care and self-care posts here and here

Cheers! I will chat again soon.



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