What it is like to own a hedgehog

May 15, 2017shelbssays@gmail.com

Cuteness Overload

Last October I finally decided to get a pet while at school. For so many years I have wanted a hedgehog and I am so happy I finally decided to follow through with getting one. I thought I would share a post with you guys just so you can kind of understand how fun it is having a little hedgie.

Come on.. Look at that face. The biggest reasons I wanted a hedgehog over other small pets while at school were because how adorable yet low maintenance they are.

Here are some things you should know about hedgies if you can’t resist the cuteness and want one yourself:

cons: (bad news first, right?)

  • Hedgehogs are not legal in all states- some states also require permits :/
  • They can be very pricey- I bought my hedgehog as a baby at a breeder; you are more likely to get a healthy baby this way. Between the permit, if your state requires one and their actual price, it adds up quite fast.
  • Hedgies are nocturnal. This means that they may not be for everyone. While sometimes Cinnabun will play during the day, she is usually awake at night. This works out for me since most of my free time to handle her is after all of my homework is done.
  • They require handling every day or they will get grouchy.


  • Hedgies are less smelly than other small pets- perfect for small dorms
  • they can be potty trained
  • they love to snuggle
  • they are pretty photogenic
  • low maintenance
  • the cuteness <3 <3 <3


While they are low maintenance compared to many pets, hedgehogs still require handling every day along with fresh food, water, and litter pan. Sometimes with all of the work that I have at school, it can be a little challenging, but it is worth it for me.

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