Sustainable Sunday: Shopping Local

August 22,

Happy Sunday! After a summer of bi-weekly farmer’s market stops, I am hooked for a number of awesome reasons. Environmental-wise, supporting local farming for your grocery shopping reduces food miles. Commercial food is often transported from thousands of miles away, in comparison to when you go to a farmer’s market and buy food that is coming directly from your region. The farther away the food comes from, the more fossil fuels are created. According to The  Farmer’s Market Coalition, food typically travels over 1,200 miles before it lands on our shelves in the grocery store.  

Another win with local food, is that it  is often way fresher, and less chemicals are normally used in the process compared to commercially grown produce. Not to mention, shopping locally supports your own community instead of a commercial food conglomerate. If you have a local farmer’s market in your town, I highly recommend starting to go there before the summer is over!

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