How to Survive College 101: conquering sophomore slump

March 21,

sophomore slump can be real.. very real

To me, sophomore year, can be the most challenging year of college. Freshman year was a breeze for me. I lived in a close-knit freshmen house. I had time to balance my social life with academics and athletics. I got to ski/surf multiple times a week. I loved the freedom. But once sophomore year came by, a lot changed. Okay so first off, mumps spread nation-wide to campuses, including mine. And guess who wasn’t vaccinated- me. Becoming allergic and sick from to the vaccine definitely put a damper on the start to the year and descended me into a down in the dumps attitude. It is easy to fall into a hole… The hardest part is digging yourself back out. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way of my second year so far:


Mental/Physical Health

If you feel good you do good. No matter how much work you have, you need need NEED to make an effort to care for yourself first.

Do something to get your mind off of schoolwork. Even if you can only find twenty minutes in a day, it is important to make time for some fun.

Here are a few of my ideas for a happy study break:

  • Schools often offer many rec classes- yoga, Zumba, pilates… Working out has been proven to help you focus better and feel happier too ☺️
  • Meet up with friends or catch up and skype with an old friend
  • Get involved in a school club
  • Do a mini road trip- visit nearby cities, go for a coffee run, go hike, go to the beach… GO somewhere besides a study room/library/desk for a little.
  • Write affirmations

Write down your goals/reminders on sticky notes and place them in spots where you can see them. Seeing a goal every day keeps it in your mind and motivation high.

Having a consistent sleep schedule can be hard with trying to balance academics and a social life. If there is one thing that I have realized this year, it is that sleep can cure a lot. Sleep eases stress, depression, and anxiety. It directly affects your ability to concentrate; so unless it is absolutely necessary to pull an all-nighter, do not do it! Set a goal bedtime and wake-up time. It isn’t going to be perfect every night but having a time to aim for can help bring you closer to a more consistent sleep schedule.

Aim to eat healthy, but remember everything is okay in moderation. You are a hard-working college student. Treat yo self.

Working out can be a huge stress reliever. When I was sick in the fall semester, I wasn’t able to workout or go to track practices. It had a huge effect on my happiness and ability to concentrate. Save a few hours a week to get some exercise- I promise it will make all of the difference in how you feel.



Times will get tough, but you are tougher. If you feel stuck you are not alone, and luckily there are many people that can help you.  If you are struggling with your work, do not get upset. Breathe.. Remember why you are studying what you are and why you love it. Think long term. And take advantage of all of the academic resources your school has to offer such as office hours, tutoring, and review sessions.

Prioritize what needs done first. And remember, procrastination will only dig you further into your hole.

Use a planner. If you haven’t read my blog post on planning, check it out here! It is hard not to feel overwhelmed in college. There is so much going on at once and this is why it is extremely important to stay organized. I feel 1000 times better if I have everything I need to do listed in front of me and not just fluttering throughout my mind constantly. Write it down. Worry less.

Make change

Sometimes all you need to get out of a slump is change. It is hard getting stuck in the same pattern every day. Switch it up!

If you aren’t getting good grades, reevaluate your work and study habits. You might just need a little change to see great progress.


Final note

It is okay to get stuck. Falling into a slump is normal and the faster you accept how you feel now, the faster you can get out of it. Remember, it will all pass with time.








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