Your Finals Week Pump Up

March 22,

It is almost that time…

Finals week can kill a lot of our happiness. From the all-nighters to drinking way too much caffeine, our bodies and minds take a toll! And to be honest, no one wants to deal with the stress of finals week. No one wants to spend all of their time studying and planning to stay on track during finals. No one wants to get up without pressing snooze. It is the reality of attempting to be a well-rounded, busy college student– it is exhausting! No one is going to feel motivated all of the time, especially at the end of the semester. But you need to accept how you feel right now, for what is to come in the future. (I know this doesn’t sound like a pump up yet lol). You chose your major for a reason, right? I hope so!  You are a student for a reason. You sit in class for a reason. If you think about it, you have all the reasons in the world to do your best during your finals week. It is your last hoorah to show why you went to class and what you have learned. It is tough right now, but soon enough the semester will be over (thank goodness) and it will feel even better knowing that you pushed through and gave it your all!


Plan ahead: leaving things to the last minute will only create your environment to be more stressful. Planning a couple weeks prior of your due dates and studying little by little each day will be a lot more efficient and give you time to meet with your professors for help!

find a good study playlist: having a study playlist can help get you in the zone. There is something about hearing this playlist, now that I have made it my routine, that really gets me to focus. My go-to is Study Vibes on Spotify. Listen below:

Listen to your body: Stay on track with sleep/hydration! Honestly, these two things are the keys to feeling good. All-nighters and cramming will only make your brain feel foggy and stressed. Fuel your body and brain!

Find your happy place: Honestly, finding your favorite place on campus is a really beneficial thing! Being in a good environment can help soothe your mind during stressful times.

Mindfulness. It is hard not to get overwhelmed when you are really invested in your academics, but if you are doing your best, getting stressed and upset will only make you not do your best. Your focus will start going to the bad things might happen instead of the good things that happen when you put the work in. Try focusing on what you can do to do your best, and NOT failing. Lastly, find something that helps you take a step back when you are starting to feel overwhelmed. This could be a yoga class, meditating on your own, or my favorite: write the things that are making you anxious in your mind down on a piece of paper. Look at it, and tear it apart. Throw it away! You don’t need to feel anxious. Forget that shit. I don’t know why but physically doing this actually makes a difference. For more mindfulness tips you can look at my post on staying stress-free and happy in college here!

That is all I have to say for now. It is March, and for me, finals week is only a couple weeks away. We also don’t have spring break in March, so it is definitely our most stressful month of the school year. Sometimes it is good just to take a step back, and evaluate what you can do positively to get what you want actually down, and throw out (literally lol) the rest of the negativity. Study hard and good luck! We can do it!

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