The Summer 2018 Bucket List - Shelbssays
Here it is! The most exciting list to make–the summer bucket list! It feels so good to write a to-do list of things you’re actually craving to do. With a whole new adventure with being on my own, it is going to be a little more challenging to accomplish everything that I am dying to do. But, I am going to make it a goal of mine to get pretty damn close to finishing everything on this list. Cheers to summer! 🔆 find an apartment with my boyfriend have fun with my internship go to a waterpark go to an old fashion fast food drive-in lift at the gym 3+ times a week do yoga once a week meditate more find awesome gal pals to skateboard with go to three+ concerts find an unreal flower field make at least one animation a week go to an old fashion drive-in movie theatre and turn the back of my jeep into a bed surf as much as possible stay on my budget plan go to Acadia National Park watch the sunrise at Acadia National Park watch the sunset and have a picnic on the beach go to a theme park read every day blog twice a day find a great hammock destination go a day without my phone or laptop by my side make a second a day documentary of my entire summer go sea kayaking go skinny dipping in the ocean stargaze in the middle of nowhere eat healthier and clear my skin visit home and my friends/family Go to Peaks Island explore Portland go camping for the weekend go cliff jumping What are some of your summer plans?