The college girls guide to getting over a cold fast - Shelbssays
I feel like it is that time of year at school where EVERYONE gets sick. Class work loads are ramping up and the weather is getting colder, which ultimately leads to stress, stuffy noses, and you guessed it…colds. And I have one write now as I am writing this. It is no fun but I have been kicking my cold’s butt for the most part. BEAT IT. hydration is an obvious one. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out your system and keeps you hydrated. When your body doesn’t get enough water, it can prevent it from fighting off sicknesses. #protip: Remember taking Pedialite when you were a little kid? It is still a great thing to have stored away in your dorm. Not only are its electrolytes a life saver for when you have a cold, but also for hangovers. I’d definitely keep the little powder packets in your room in case of any emergency when you are feeling under the weather and dehydrated! Tea and Honey. A classic. I always try to drink hot tea and honey when I am sick because it helps soothe my throat. SleepyTime Sinus Soother is a great choice–it really helps open up sinuses and is great to drink before going to bed because of its soothing properties. Depending on how congested you are you might want to try a NetiPot. It is gross, but works wonders. If your congestion isn’t that bad, a simple saline spray works great as well! do.not.sniffle. Blow your nose. Literally as much as you can. The more you get out, the less will be in your system. ALSO if you keep sniffing and get drainage to the back of your throat, there is a large chance that your cold will develop into a long lasting cough. Probiotics are a great addition to a daily routine. They have an effect on many things such as allergies, skin conditions like eczema, mental health, and preventing sickness. Antibiotics can be an issue for your gut because it knocks out all of the good bacteria as well! So if you are sick and need to take antibiotics, it is extra important to give your body probiotics! Vitamin C. Whether you prefer just plain old vitamins or EmergenC, it is of course an important supplement to take, especially if you are sick. I like taking EmergenC packets when I am sick because I can mix them in my water and they are individually wrapped, so it is easy to take on the go! What are some of your secrets to getting better fast? I hope some of my tips help! Stay healthy!