How to kick procrastination's butt! - Shelbssays
(how to make time for the things you want to do) It is midway through the second semester, which means right about now, motivation levels are at an all-time low. You are tired of work and probably itching to go out and do something fun (or anything besides your essay). But, if you think about it, you definitely can do the fun things you want to… if you prioritize and don’t procrastinate! This has become a more serious issue (thanks Instagram and Snapchat) for many college students. You can’t blame us–every time we get in the zone, our phone is bound to buzz with a notification! And it is too annoying to wait to open it! So yeah, this happens to most of us. But this year I have really worked on becoming more efficient with my homework because being effienct=more time for fun time. So repeat after me: I, *say your name*, am not going to procrastinate while reading this post. This way I can learn how to get work done faster and have free time to do what I want. Okay, so let’s dive right in! make a list. Write down assignments that you need to work on in order of due date. This way you can tackle the most important stuff first! take breaks (carefully). If you get bored fast, take breaks in between, but be strict about the time you take in between your work– don’t get sucked into your Insta feed! Think about something that might help you focus/settle down: running, meditating, listening/dancing to your favorite song, etc. procrastinate… productively So you really, REALLY do not want to keep writing your paper at this very moment. Stop, and think about other work on your list that you need to do. Trick your brain into procrastinating productively and work on something else if you feel like you are losing interest after a bit. get out of your room Being in your room may just be too much of a relaxing environment. If you are feeling stuck and unmotivated, get out of your PJs and hit the lib or your favorite spot on campus! reward yourself! After you accomplish the most important things on your to-do list, treat yourself! And chances are, if you have followed these steps to kicking procrastination’s butt, you have a lot more time to do the things you’ve been thinking about! Cheers