How to refresh during mid-semester - Shelbssays
HIT THAT REFRESH 1. Sleep. This is a total shocker, I know. And I probably say this in just about every other self care post, but I think sleep gets SO overlooked. As a soon-to-be graduating senior, I just can’t pull to all-nighters and do that to myself. There is no “catching” up for missed hours off sleep. The toll it takes on your body can’t be fixed by sleeping extra the next day, so giving yourself 7-8 hours of sleep will keep you refreshed for the mid semester crazies. 2. A zero work session. I can not tell you how often my brain seems to just be on this constant go go go mode, where even if I am sitting down and not doing work, I have to be thinking of what’s next. Being in this mode makes your day even more exhausting and overwhelming. I try to schedule in something once a day for me to put my phone down and stay away from my computer (those are the two triggers that make me feel like I need to be checking my emails or google calendar). Here are some ideas: catching up on your favorite Netflix episode going for a coffee date with a bestie Take a nature walk if u like being outside Become friend’s with a professor who has a dog and set up walks or play time 3. Always make time to meditate and visualize. I use Head Space. Its only $10 for students to use the premium version, and there are hundreds of different meditations ranging from 1 minute to 15 minutes. So I know I can always squeeze some time in to take a step back and breathe. 4. Find a new space to work. Mid-semester can make you feel like you are just going through the motions to get everything done each day. Getting off-campus if that is a possibility, is a great way to switch up the scenery. If you can’t get off campus, try switching up your study spaces, so it doesn’t get as boring. 5. Don’t skip out on the self-care. I’m not saying you need some crazy routine. But putting time in to focus on caring for your mind and body just makes a big difference. I know when I get really stressed, I can neglect my skin care, haircare, or eyebrows lol. Fixing my brows or just throwing on a much-needed facemask may make all the difference in not feeling like you’re run down af. 6. A refreshing health tip. Alkalinity is becoming all of the buzz in the health world currently, and for good reason. When our bodies become too acidic, we get tired, sluggish, foggy-brained, and become more susceptible for sickness! This has a lot to do with the types of foods you eat. Curious about this? Here is a good link. 7. Get off campus for the day with friends. Being on campus non-stop can be so overwhelming. From the crowded cafeterias to not having personal space with a roomie–it helps to just get off campus either by yourself or with some good friends to do something that you can enjoy. 8. Let go of any bullshit. Seriously. Anything that doesn’t feel right, try to faze it out of your life. You’d be surprised how refreshing it feels to let go of toxicity–whether it be people, grudges, or regret. It’s really hard to focus on yourself and being present at school. 9. Treat yourself when you out-do yourself. Nothing feels better than being rewarded after accomplishing something huge like crushing an exam you’ve been studying all week for. I always save a small amount of each paycheck put aside for treating myself to coffee, clothes, or an activity after I grind hard on something. 10. Limit your screen time. Cell phone use has a crazy affect on our mental health. Tracking your screen time can help limit the amount of time that you get sucked into social media. Apple’s newest update makes it easy. Do you have any mid-semester refresh tips? If so, share them below!