Five lessons that I learned junior year of college - Shelbssays
Next Stop: Senior Year! Hey guys! Long time no chat. I’ve had to step back from my blog last week due to this hectic time of the school year. But I am back and officially done with this semester’s classes! Only one (terribly exausting finals) week left! And even better, we have another month (short term semester) where we only take one class. This is my favorite time to be on campus because the weather is beautiful and you have time for fun and adventure! In honor of my junior year coming to an end, I would like to reflect on some lessons that I have learned along the way. 1. I am now a multi-tasking queen. I know that pretty much everyone as a college student must learn how to multi-task, but this year was tough! Not only was I balancing school, work and athletics, but also apartment and internship searching! Throw in a healthy sleep schedule, time to blog, and a social life… Well, finding time to be with friends isn’t possible all of the time now, but I definitely try to at least have one night for hanging out with friends. 2. I follow my heart. This goes for everything. During my junior year, I started a new major, which was terrifying. But I am now on track for graduating and since I have switched my major, I have been way happier and doing 1000 times better in class. It can be scary to stop doing something that you think is right and start doing what you feel is right but it is most likely always the best choice for yourself 💕 3. My health comes first. I think that I have finally got it down now. Freshmen year I seemed to have a cough and cold every other week! Sophomore year, well, the health complications could make for a whole post itself. This year, I have really focused on putting my health as the number one priority. This inluded focusing on what makes me happiest, and trying to remove the toxicity from my life. I focus on mindfulness. I try meditating every day. I try my hardest to get the propper amount of sleep. I try my hardest to take care of my skin (which is really hard with eczema) with the crazy Maine weather. I try eating as many fruits and veggies and always take my supplements. It is really easy to get run down physically and mentally in college, and that has been something that I am proud of finally making a priority. 4. I make time for my (true) friends. With my workload ramping up, I really do not have a lot of time besides one or two nights a week to hang with friends. With being a busy college gal, you don’t need to have any more stress in your life. So, if you have any gals (or guys) in your life that are toxic, it might be best to distance yourself and only make time for those who make you happy. 🙂 5. I write my goals down and look at them every day. I have said this in a post before and I will say it now! Writing down my goals and visualizing them has helped me stay so much more motivated and I have accomplished so much that I have been working towards–like my summer internship!! That’s all I have for this week. Keep grinding, we are almost there! Follow my blog with Bloglovin