7 Lessons that I learned at 23 - Shelbssays
23! What an incredible year of self-growth! From new friendships, moving across the country, and losing my job to a pandemic–it truly felt like I experienced ten years in one, lol! I find it a strange, new reality that I am almost a quarter of a century old. I’m pretty much in my mid-twenties, which pretty much means I am a full-on adult now–which basically means I am far from the 19-year-old who first started this blog. Before I get more emotional, here are some big things I learned during my 23rd year of life! Your gut feeling is always the right choice to take! It was my gut that told me to move clear across the country. While I always dreamed of this, I kept pushing the idea aside, considering it unrealistic. In reality, the most realistic choice for you is following your gut feeling. The environment you live in plays a huge role in the level of inspiration you experience. THIS IS HUGE. I’m talking about keeping your indoor and outdoor space a reflection of what you love. Make your room or apartment a sacred space. Keep it clutter free (unless that’s how you roll) and make it your own! Fill it with your favorite art, cute lil house plants, and whatever else will make you thrive. Right now, due to COVID-19, remote work is booming. Don’t base your move off of your career UNLESS it is your dream career. Choose your environment for the type of beauty you want to be immersed in: mountains, beaches, a great community of people, great local food.Catching my drift? The more positive things you’re surrounded by, the more positive and happy you will feel. Pipe dreams aren’t as unrealistic as they seem if you work towards creating them. Here me out. If you aren’t going after your purpose, you aren’t only hurting yourself. You are depriving the people around you of the best version of yourself. If you are reading this, there is a strong chance you are around my age. We are at an age where responsibilities will just keep building up. You have the greatest opportunity to chase your dreams right now– with the lowest risks. GO FOR IT! You need to surround yourself with the type of people that will inspire you. If you don’t have those people in your life, don’t be afraid to reach out! The five people you hang out with the most, have the biggest influence on you. If you don’t have a community that keeps you inspired, seek one out–even if it is an inspiring community online. Be celebrated! If you are hanging out with people who don’t appreciate your personality, move on. Time is valuable; only give your time to people who truly appreciate it. Be adaptable. This year taught me that nothing is guaranteed to turn out exactly how you expected it. Be ready for change and embrace it! COVID-19 taught me a lot. I lost my job. I couldn’t work in the public this summer. It also made me realize that I got slightly off track of what I have been wanting to do with my life–and I’ve had all the time to focus on my passions. While I didn’t expect to lose my job, I turned it into an opportunity to grow! Manifesting is very real. If you aren’t familiar with the law of attraction, crack open a book…or screen! The Law of Attraction is a powerful thing. And it makes sense. If you expect to have a bad day, the universe won’t let you down. So expect good things and watch how you can manifest what you give thought to. That’s because negative attracts negative and vice versa. So learn to listen to your thoughts, and think positive! Also, if you haven’t already, read The Power (affiliate link)!