Winter Break: Things You Should Do as a College Student - Shelbssays
Rejoice! Finals are over T’is the season of being done with finals– and also the time for accomplishing everything that you’ve been meaning to but couldn’t (thanks to being done with schoolwork). Christmas is almost here and I can not express how happy I am to finally be home. While this break is most important for getting refreshed and being with family, there are some things on my to-do list that you may want to consider as a busy college student! If you’re curious, read below: 1.) research into your summer plans From internships to apartment planning… This summer is the big summer for internships. I am going to be away from home this summer and working in a city. This takes a lot of planning (aside from landing an internship)! If you are thinking about applying to internships, now is a perfect time to perfect your resume, do some research, and submit those applications! 2.) sleep Okay, maybe this should be number one. You’ve worked hard over the fall semester, and chances are, once finals week came around, your sleep schedule has suffered immensely. catch up on those zzzs! 3.) you have time to work out and eat better Sometimes it is hard to get creative and eat healthy in the cafeteria. And by the end of finals week, my body definitely feels it after the late night meals and munchies. I am really going to take advantage of my time home to get back on track with healthy eating habits and workouts. 4.) read a book that you actually want to read I already have several books picked out that I have been dying to read this break. It is hard finding the time to do this at school– especially if your major is very reading/writing based. Take advantage of this:) 5.) treat yourself! Do something to relieve your stress and reward yourself for your hard work. Some of my ideas for this break are: go to the spa go to my favorite yoga studio binge on netflix (bc finally) Last but not least: Get FESTIVE I am so happy to finally be done with finals, but more so for being able to enjoy the holidays with my family and friends from home. Need some festive inspiration? Check out my new post here Happy holidays 🎄❄️💖