How to set goals for 2018 and stick with em’

December 25,

new year = new goals

I find it hard to believe that this is the last week of 2017! Did I stick to all my resolutions from last New Years? Nope! But, I can always roll over my 2017 resolutions to 2018. No law against that…right? After all, every New Year is a clean slate, an opportunity to start fresh again. If you are someone who likes to create New Year’s resolutions, this can be an exciting time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the past year and what you’d like to work on again for the next. In this post, I am going to show you the ropes to making this year brighter than the last!


Type of goals.

Think about what you will benefit from most with your resolutions. When I created my list of New Year’s resolutions, I thought about what will make me the happiest, healthiest, and most successful. Once you have a list of a few things you want to improve, it’s time to get specific.


Get specific.

Do you want to be happier? The secret behind more smiles is to think like a happy person. Seriously–it’s that easy. So, this year: out with the old (negative thoughts) and in with the new (happy thoughts).You are what you think! So, think about what makes you happy, and don’t focus on problems or people who upset you. Think if there is anything that you could aim for to increase your happiness over the year–whether it is making sure you have a night with friends or saving some money to treat yourself. By getting specific, you will have a plan and know how to get there! The same goes for any goal, whether it’s to get fit, have better grades, or just be happier.


Write it out–everywhere.

Once you know what you want to accomplish and how you are going to get there, you are going to want to get in down on paper. I would write it in a number of places: one list with your specific plan to keep for yourself in a journal, a list of your goals somewhere where you will pass by every day (like a door or mirror), and one in your phone notes/computer. While this may seem a little extra, writing down your goals (in numerous places) is an essential step to accomplishing them– and so is visualizing them. So, the more lists you have that you can view, the more it’s in your mind. And, the more that your goals are in your mind,  the more likely you will feel motivated to reach them!



Most of us check our phones first thing in the morning, almost like a newspaper–first Instagram, Facebook, and then maybe Snapchat. This is why I referred you to write your goals in your phone notes. If you make it a habit to check your list in the morning when you wake up, it’ll be one of the first things on your mind. Visualizing your goals before starting your day will more than likely attract you to follow the path you need to take.



Let’s say, once a month… keep a journal. Write it next to where you kept your detailed plan on how to accomplish these goals. Whether you want to reflect monthly, or more frequently, it’s super helpful to see how you are doing in regards to your plan over the year. Record the steps you have taken in order to reach your goals…and also the steps you think you might need to take for the next month.


Some people get so crazy worked up during the first month of the new year they get burnt out quickly while chasing their goals. Instead, if you take small steps every day (including visualizing your goals and just thinking about them), you are much more likely to smash your New Years Resolutions by 2019!

What are some of your goals for 2018?


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