Benefits of doing yoga

July 31,

What happened to my body after trying yoga for a month

(as told through some really cute gifs)

Last month, I decided that I was going to join a studio and fully commit to trying yoga. I’ve gone to classes here and there, but I discovered a studio in town and decided to give it a try. I always hear so many great things about doing it consistently. While the prices are steep for joining a studio, I can now 100% say that doing yoga this month was worth what I paid and will definitely be continuing this practice.

here’s why:

my joints: Overall, my body is a lot less achy. I have problems with my elbows, hips, and knees. I wasn’t sure if doing yoga all month might make it worse or better. Over the past month, everything has felt increasingly better.

strength: I’ve always stayed fairly active throughout my life thanks to sports-but something about yoga still really kicked my a**. Now, at the end of the month, holding poses, for the most part, doesn’t make to want to fall over and give up halfway through class anymore.

flexibility: My flexibility has definitely improved. But I have learned about not putting so much pressure on my joints while trying to reach in poses.

focusing on yourself: Thanks to sports, I have become a fairly competitive person in and outside of them. While I do believe being competitive can make you successful, sometimes you just gotta do you. Yoga is somewhere where I can let go about caring to be the best, but more so be my best.

happiness: No matter the situation or what I am doing, I find myself much happier if I did yoga in the morning. My stress and anxiety is pretty much gone. I 10/10 recommend trying yoga for anyone that is stressed or has anxiety because this past month has been one big therapy session for my mind and body.

So treat yourself and do some yoga!! I feel as happy and energetic has this cute lil corgi.


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